Is it possible to combine a copper IUD (i.e., without hormones) with a birth control pill?

33-year-old woman4 years ago
Since my IUD was installed, I have had painful periods, in addition to uncontrollable hormonal acne (I have always had skin problems, but it was controllable with the birth control pill). Removing the IUD is not an option for me, for several reasons. So I would like to combine the two, in the best of all possible worlds, to reduce the effects.
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4 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Why is using the copper IUD the only possible birth control method for you?
Thank you!
Calin B (pharmacy student supervised by Alexander)
33-year-old woman · 4 years ago
I experienced a surprise pregnancy while on the pill and it is not something I want to go through again. That's why, in an ideal world, combining the copper IUD with the pill (for all its benefits) would be the best option for me (if feasible of course).
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
No we don't see this combination in practice!
Have you considered the hormonal IUD?
Thank you!
Calin B (pharmacy student supervised by Alexander)

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