Is it possible that it is something other than pmb? Should I be concerned if he is slowly improving (4 days ago).

35-year-old womana year ago
My child has, I think, foot hand mouth. Except she has no pimples on her palms or soles, and almost nothing around her lips. But she has some on the top of her hands, lots on her thighs, and little ones all over. She also has a cough with lots of secretions in her throat. She is 17 months old. She has had a fever for 3 days.
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2 days

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
The most important thing is the general condition of your child. If she is feeding, wetting and soiling her diaper and seems to be in good condition, just monitor her. However, if she develops a fever again, you will need to see a doctor more quickly.
You can apply a moisturizer without perfume like Aveeno, Base Glaxal or other as often as necessary during the day.
I will remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
35-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much. So far it seems to be improving slowly but surely. Great idea for the unscented cream!
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thanks for the feedback,
I remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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