I am in the middle of a kidney stone crisis. I have a big pain on my right side below the ribs! I am at the limit of my fever (37.9). Can I take Tramadol?

27 -year-old man3 years ago
I have tramadol 50mg q4h here at home! I was wondering if I could take this? To ease the pain? To try to avoid the emergency room! Thanks
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a day

27 -year-old man · 3 years ago
I have pain in my right kidney again! My oral temperature is 37.6! I have already done 2 pyelonephritis in passing due to kidney stones!!! I wonder if this could be the cause again
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello Sir,
Tramadol™ is not the best solution in my opinion.
Considering your history of pyelonephritis, I strongly recommend a consultation today (Monday) before the holiday break. We'll do a urine culture to see if you still have an infection in that area.
Happy day,

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