I have red patches (previously like water blisters) under my left armpit. Burning sensation and very unpleasant. What can I do?

25-year-old womana year ago
First "water blister" appeared 4 days ago. Since then there are small ones that appear every day. When they "fart" it heats up. No pu. No known allergies, no change in the products I use.
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Marie-Laurence Gauthier · a year ago
it is practically impossible to make a judgement without first seeing the lesions you are referring to (which is impossible here). I therefore recommend that you go to a pharmacy to show the lesions.
The pharmacist on duty will be able to direct you to the right product based on his or her observations, or to recommend a medical consultation if he or she deems it necessary.
Don't wait too long, what you are describing could look like shingles and if it does, it is already too late to treat.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful at this time.
Marie-Laurence Gauthier, pharmacist.

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