Could my antidepressant pill be the reason for my imbalance? Could the CycleSmart Regulates menstrual cycle pill help?

26-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I stopped the birth control pill in February 2021 because we are trying to have a baby. However, my menstrual cycle is not regular. Since then, my last menstrual period which lasted one week, was in February and then in August, since then, I don't have any menstruation. However, it happens to me with cramps as if I would be menstruating, but I do not have bleeding. I did blood tests and the results were as follows: [lab values removed] *I am taking Citalopram 20 mg DIE.
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17 hours

26-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Also, I frequently did ovulation tests and some of them were positive and this twice a week... In fact, is there anything that would help me ovulate?
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hi, thanks for your question!
Conceiving can take time, even in young healthy people. It can take up to a year for some people, but don't be discouraged, enjoy the process as much as possible with your partner
It is true that the irregular cycle can make the process more complex. Having said that, reading the ovulation test has a large subjective component, and it is recommended to use this kind of tool only if you know the length of your cycle well, which does not seem to be the case here
I do not suggest taking this type of product because I have not found any data supporting its effectiveness, among other things.
If the situation persists and you have not been able to conceive after 1 year, you will need to see a doctor for a thorough evaluation of your condition.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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