I have tingling and pins and needles in my left foot, which I have been experiencing intermittently for a long time, but more so since yesterday. What to do?

53-year-old woman4 years ago
What should I do? I usually massage myself and it settles, should I continue? should I wear a support stocking? something else? thank you.
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7 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
Does it usually go away with massages only? Have you ever consulted for this? Have you received an official diagnosis?
53-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Hello and thank you, not in an official way, but my doctor had recommended a few years ago about 4-5 to wear compression stockings, which I admit I dropped, but I still have it, I always had circulation problems in my extremities. Usually yes it goes away with massages, but I feel like I have more for a few days, maybe because of the lack of activity? stress? it's possible, I'll wait, but is there a medication recommended to rub me? yes I should maybe put my legs up more for the circulation. If not, yes I can call my doctor for sure, but I wanted to check on my side anyway. Many thanks and to hear from you, have a great day,
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Thanks for those details ma'am. It is very helpful!
For rubbing in, I'm of the opinion that a simple moisturizer is the best. It's not so much the cream as it is the rubbing that matters here.
For circulation, you could try a red vine or diosmin medication (like Esenvia™ or Antistax™). And of course, resume physical activity, which causes a "pump" effect and helps bring fluids up through muscle contraction.
If that doesn't change anything, you'll need to see your doctor, yes.
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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