My little toe is broken. When can I walk on it?

29-year-old woman5 years ago
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a day

Charles Dagenais · 5 years ago
It is impossible for me to give you an exact time frame. Most toe fractures take 3 to 6 weeks to heal. An evaluation by a physician should give you more information on how best to manage your injury.
29-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Okay. I saw a doctor a week ago who diagnosed the fracture. He prescribed crutches for a week, which ended today. So I'm walking on them but I'm not able to put a shoe on. What I was wondering is whether walking on it or wearing a shoe will interfere with the healing process?
Charles Dagenais · 5 years ago
The key to healing is to keep it as still as possible. If you feel that walking on it or wearing a shoe is making your pain worse or moving your toe, it is best to use caution and extend the use of crutches for a few more days
29-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Great thanks! Have a great day!

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Answered by

Charles Dagenais

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