How do I measure my basal body temperature?

23-year-old woman3 years ago
I think I am sterile but I am not sure. After I have my period (I am totally regular) I take my temperature. I know that normally when you ovulate your temperature goes up by degrees but this is not my case I have a normal discharge, my period is normal and the only thing is that I feel like I'm not ovulating as if I were sterile
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14 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Thank you for your question!
The only way to determine if you are "sterile" is through further testing
You should know that the basal temperature should be taken with a basal thermometer, which is more sensitive than other conventional thermometers.
The temperature should be taken at the same time every morning, always with the same measuring channel, even before getting out of bed.
In women under 35, attempts to conceive can take up to 1 year, even when healthy. After that time, your doctor may do further tests and analysis. The time frame is 6 months for women over 35.
I hope this helps, and I am available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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