I have a lump that sometimes appears in my groin?

33-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I have a lump that appeared on my right side in the wool. About 3 weeks after my Covid Moderna vaccine and the onset of a gastro. It then disappeared. It came back with the onset of a cold, disappeared and came back after 3 weeks that my cold lasted and probably with the onset of sinusitis. My cold finally disappeared and so did my lump. However, I had my ovulation this week which was very painful and it came back and has not gone away since. I also have my period which has almost disappeared since the vaccine. I am trying to make an appointment with my family doctor and I am unable to. I went to the clinic and was told that it was only for minor emergencies. What do you think about this situation? Should I go to the ER or wait and see my family doctor?
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19 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
It is possible that the nodes in the groin show some swelling during episodes of illness (or vaccine), or also during menstruation, a time when the immune system is a little more solicited
There have also been reports of menstrual cycle disruption or delayed menstruation after receiving a vaccine, but this usually goes away on its own
If the situation persists, or gets worse, I recommend that you see a doctor.
The Bonjour Santé and Maple Health platforms could be used to get a consultation faster, or walk-in clinics in your area.
Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist

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