I have been having frequent headaches for almost 3 weeks?

22-year-old womana year ago
For almost three weeks, I have been having recurring headaches. The headaches are not intense, but they are present and disrupt my daily life. Last week I had a big headache and I could not see well out of my right eye. I was very dizzy and the daylight made my head and eyes hurt even more. Since that day, I have not had a major attack, but the headaches have not stopped. Since I have never had a migraine I was wondering if it was normal to have headaches as frequently as this. Since I am an anxious person and sometimes have panic attacks, I figured that might be a reason why I get headaches. Otherwise, nothing in my habits has changed since the headaches started.
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Madam, I am sorry to read about your troubles! However, as you mentioned, I believe that headaches for 3 weeks should be evaluated by a physician to rule out other causes and not delay their management.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
22-year-old woman · a year ago
Great, I will make an appointment with the clinic soon. I also wanted to know if the headaches could be caused by periods of anxiety, i.e. periods when I experience more anxiety.
Also, I wanted to know if it could be migraines in this case. I have the impression that it could be, but since I have headaches every day, I was wondering if it was possible to have migraines every day.
Thank you!
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Several causes are possible, but a thorough evaluation will help rule out some causes or suggest another. Anxiety can indeed trigger or worsen headaches.
In the end, it is impossible to determine if it is migraines because this requires a diagnosis that only doctors can make.

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