What can I do to help my situation besides eating lots of snacks? Is it possible that my body is missing something?

23-year-old womana year ago
I feel like I have hypoglycemia several times a day. Even though I eat 3 meals a day with proteins and carbohydrates and several snacks, I am often very hungry all of a sudden. If I don't eat in the next 10 minutes, I get a headache, a heartache and suddenly feel very hot. Once I eat, it takes several minutes before I feel better, my headache stays for a long time and I feel like I have very little energy. Other than eating lots of snacks, is it possible that my body is lacking something?
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17 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello, ma'am,
Have you ever been screened for diabetes, or at least tested your blood sugar?
When did you first notice this?
Have you changed anything in your eating plan, exercise level?
23-year-old woman · a year ago
I didn't do a blood sugar test no..
I haven't changed my diet or the amount of exercise.
I noticed this change about 3 weeks ago.
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information.
The first thing you can do is ask your pharmacist (or if you have a nurse on duty) to test your blood sugar, if only as a precaution.
I also suggest that for the next 4 to 6 weeks you keep a diary where you write down everything you consume and the quantities, but also the activities you undertake, and your state of mind (fatigue, stress, etc.). In the second column you could write down the occurrence and extent of the symptoms. We could then identify some possible causes. This may take several weeks so I suggest being diligent.
If no cause can be suggested, I suggest consulting a physician to get a thorough evaluation of the situation.
I hope I have been helpful and remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
23-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much!
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
We'd love to!

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