How long does it take to take a Marvelon pill and spotting?

33-year-old womana year ago
Hello, For the first time in a long time, I forgot to take my Marvelon pill (day 8 of the pack). I realized it the next day when I took my pill. So I literally skipped a dose. A few days later, I started spotting; brown at first and red now at night (it's very "irregular"). So I have been spotting for 3-4 days. No stomach pain, but I have to wear a light protection in my underwear. I have four pills left in my pack. I had originally planned to take the pill continuously to avoid getting my period during the week-long break (I have to get a tattoo and wanted to avoid getting my period at the same time). I thought I would observe the seven day break at the end of the next pack. How long can I expect to have spotting? Thank you so much!
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33-year-old woman · a year ago
For the first time in a long time, I forgot to take my Marvelon pill (day 8 of the pack). I realized it the next day when I took my pill. So I literally skipped a dose. A few days later, I started spotting; brown at first and red now at night (it's very "irregular"). So I have been spotting for 3-4 days. No pain in my belly, but I have to wear a light protection in my underwear.
I have four pills left in my pack.
I had originally planned to take the pill continuously to avoid getting my period during the week-long break (I have to get a tattoo and wanted to avoid getting my period at the same time). I thought I would observe the seven day break at the end of the next pack.
How long can I expect to be spotting?
Thank you so much!
33-year-old woman · a year ago
And for spotting, the color changes during the day. It's brown in the morning and red around supper time. It fluctuates over time.
I also thought about taking a break immediately for a few days and then starting a new pack. I don't know what would be best (my partner and I always use another form of birth control as a precaution)
What should I do?
33-year-old woman · a year ago
(In the past, I have taken this pill continuously on occasion without spotting)
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Spotting can occur if you forget to take your medication or if you are late in taking it, but it is usually mild and temporary.
I encourage you to continue taking your contraceptive as planned if you are willing to do so.
If you have had unprotected sex in the 5 days prior to forgetting to take the pill or in the 7 days following, you should contact your pharmacist.
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist
33-year-old woman · a year ago
We were well protected. :)
Thank you for your clarifications and answers!
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
It was a pleasure, good luck!

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