Should I stop taking alendronate after a certain time?

65-year-old woman2 years ago
I have been taking the medication...Alendronate 70mg 1x/wk since November 20, 2014. I am hearing conflicting comments. What are your thoughts on this medication? Should I continue it or discontinue it? Osteodensidometry and the result is ''Mild Osteopenia''.
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8 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, would it be possible to know what conflicting comments you have heard?
65-year-old woman · 2 years ago
My dentist (as well as my sister's dentist who lives in another area) has informed me that according to the schedule, this medication should not be taken more than 5 consecutive years. My doctor disagrees.
I have pain in both hands and both feet. Normal on x-ray.
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
I would like to qualify some statements: there is indeed a recommendation for somewomen to have a break from this medication after 5 years, but when the risk is deemed low. This risk is derived not only from your bone scan result, but from your doctor's clinical assessment.
If he or she deems it necessary to continue the medication beyond 5 years it is probably with good reason for your health.
65-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Good evening, Mr. Samaha.
I want to thank you for your response.
I am very pleased with it.
[name removed to preserve confidentiality]
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
It was my pleasure, please don't hesitate if you have any other questions, concerns or comments :)

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