Is it mandatory to take the contraceptive pill during Accutane treatment?

26-year-old woman2 years ago
Hi, I have hormonal acne and am considering taking Accutane. I have heard that it is recommended to have 2 methods of contraception, but is it mandatory? Knowing that I am moderately interested in going back on the contraceptive pill, I would not be able to use this treatment if I do not take it?
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vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
Hello, you should use any method of contraception because of the risks of malformations associated with taking accutane if you become pregnant. The dual method is still the safest.
Condoms, non-hormonal IUDs or other methods of contraception are adequate
Why is the pill not an option?
We look forward to hearing from you,
Vicky m lauzon pharmacist

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