There was no other choice than the 1mg at the pharmacy. Can I cut the tablet in 2 if the dose is too high? Thank you for your help!

31-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, can folic acid cause side effects? I started taking a 1 mg/day tablet 2 weeks ago. Since then, I seem to have more frequent urination and I have pimples that have appeared on my face. I wonder if this could be related.
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20 hours

Lucie Deceuninck · 2 years ago
Hello !
When folic acid is taken in preparation for or during pregnancy, most women require a dose of at least 0.4 mg per day. I invite you to consult this page of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada: https: // to verify the recommended dose for your case. For example, you could probably cut the 1 mg tablet in half to get 0.5 mg if needed, although the 1 mg dose is quite safe and usually very well tolerated
It is possible that the effects you are reporting are related to the supplementation you have just started, but these are very rare side effects that may also be caused by the non-medicinal ingredients in the tablet. Perhaps you could try another company; what do you think?
We look forward to hearing from you!

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