Is there any way to reduce or eliminate tinnitus? Does a deaf person always hear tinnitus?

43 -year-old mana year ago
I have had tinnitus for several years. In the last few days it has gotten worse and I'm starting to find it unbearable. It affects my work and my sleep. Is there anything that can be done?
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21 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Sir, do you have any other symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose?
Have you already consulted for this?
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Sir, do you have any other symptoms such as a blocked or runny nose?
Have you already consulted for this?
43 -year-old man · a year ago
I have no such symptoms. I know that I sometimes get earwax plugs, so I put 3 drops of oil twice a day in each ear and I made an appointment to go get cleaned in 2 weeks (there was no sooner), even though I don't feel that I have a plug right now. I usually feel a plug in my right ear and I also have some in the other ear even if I don't realize it. It's my right ear that's ringing right now. I don't feel that I have a plug (no pressure, no problem hearing. I've never had an ear start to ring louder because of a plug.
I have had tinnitus for several years, but it was mild. This ear started to squeal enough to keep me from falling asleep quickly and concentrating on my work.
I tried to make an appointment with 811 option 3 (2 hour wait!) for the group of doctors I was referred to, but they told me that since my ears didn't hurt, that I needed to have the cleaning done at the CLSC.
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thank you for the information!
I agree with you that the back of the ear should be evaluated to rule out other causes.
The Rendez-Vous Santé Québec platform can also be tried to get an appointment, but otherwise I don't see any other way to ensure a management without evaluating the ear if the use of oil has not been successful.

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