I have a hard, painful lump behind my ear. Should I worry and go see a doctor?

28-year-old womana year ago
Behind my ear, about in the middle, I have a hard and painful lump. I had a flu that lasted 2 weeks and ended last week... I don't know if it's a connection
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28-year-old woman · a year ago
I have a lump that appeared yesterday behind my ear, mid ear. It is hard and painful to the touch, and my ear hearing is not perfect.
Samantha Hui · a year ago
A lump behind the ear can be caused by different reasons and only a doctor will be able to make a diagnosis. Considering that the lump seems to have appeared suddenly, that it is hard and painful, and that it is affecting your hearing, I would advise you to consult a doctor quickly.
In the meantime, I suggest that you continue to monitor the evolution of your symptoms. If redness, itching, purulent secretions appear, if it increases or if the bump persists, the urgency to seek medical advice increases.
Hope this answers your question,
Samantha Hui, pharmacy student
Under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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