My child has a red eye and touches his ear, what should I do?

34-year-old womana year ago
Conjunctivitis left eye continuous tearing and red eye in baby 14 months, no temperature. Cold and cough since 1 week before the beginning of the possible conjunctivitis. Touches his ears
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Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
This can often occur during an episode of a cold, such as a cold that "gets in your eyes". As long as the discharge during waking hours remains clear or white, does not appear to be getting worse, and remains temporary (5-7 days or less), just monitor the situation.
You can use clean wet pads to clean the eyes upon awakening, taking care not to share or reuse them as this can be contagious.
If it persists for more than 7 days without improvement, you should consult a doctor as a precaution.
For the ears, if your child is not complaining of pain, just monitor the situation.
I will remain available if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
34-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you for your answer.
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
It was my pleasure, don't hesitate if there is anything!

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