I have micro cracks in my foreskin and they hurt. I have noticed a little bit of bleeding. What is this?

23 -year-old man3 years ago
I have been taking an antibiotic called APO CEPHALEX for 1 week. For 2 days I have had pain in my foreskin accompanied by micro cracks and I think I noticed that my skin is dry.
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21 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Good evening sir,
In my opinion, it may be a case of dry genitals caused by the fact that your antibiotic is mostly eliminated at the kidney level (you are urinating your antibiotic out of your body, so to speak). The good bacteria on your glans and foreskin die because of this
If you are circumcised, I recommend pulling the foreskin skin off when you urinate.
You might also want to get a product called Replens™ at the drugstore that is a genital moisturizer.
In any case, it should clear up in the next few days after you finish the treatment.
Happy day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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