Can I put on a cream or something to help glue it back on? I'm afraid that an infection will develop in the detached area.

27-year-old woman3 years ago
Hi, due to anxiety I scratched under my nail which made a bruise, I then hung it up. It has been healing for a few weeks, but half of my nail has come off with the healing. What can I do to make it stick again? I'm afraid that half of my nail will not reattach and that it will pull off completely.
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21 hours

Jean-Philippe Lambert · 3 years ago
It is difficult for me to give an opinion on the situation without having seen the nail in question. I therefore recommend that you go to a pharmacy and show your nail to the pharmacist on duty. He will be able to direct you to the right product based on his observations, or to recommend a medical consultation if he deems it necessary.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful at this time.

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