What to do about scabs in the nose?

37-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I had small crusts inside my nose that I was removing and I also saw that I had an unsightly hair coming out of my nose so I "played" to remove it too... the part at the entrance of the nose is red and a little swollen (the part where there are normally hairs but I have very few)... we start to see even maybe small bubbles of pu like a pimple under the skin... (I don't have fever and it's not painful just uncomfortable) what can I put to accelerate the healing? -I have at home mupirocin and viaderm k-c... would one of these products help?
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38 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Good morning, ma'am,
What you can do to help the healing process is to stop scratching the area, even when the scab is solid, as this will slow down the process and increase the risk of infection and scarring
I do not suggest applying Viaderm to the area. Only keep the area clean with a damp towel and mild soap.
You can apply Vaseline or a nasal gel like Secaris with your fingertip (wash your finger before and after) as much as desired during the day.
I will be available if you have any further questions
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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