Can metformin cause diarrhea as a side effect? If so, how can it be controlled? Change metformin? Biok+?

54-year-old woman5 years ago
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2 days

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
Yes, a common side effect of metformin is diarrhea. This effect is related to the dose to be taken and the speed at which this medication was introduced and increase the dose. For example, a person will have more diarrhea if they start with a "large" dose from the beginning, or if the dose is increased quickly.
To reduce diarrhea, it is best not to add another medication. Instead, try to fix the problem at the base by stopping the metformin momentarily until the diarrhea stops. Metformin will then be reintroduced at 250mg twice a day, and the dose will be "slowly" increased (e.g., every 7-10 days) to the target dose you are currently taking.
To take these steps, it's best to discuss them with your pharmacist, who will contact your doctor and walk you through the steps.
Have a great day!"
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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