I am starting to get cellulite and blue veins on the back of my thighs. Are there any medications or lifestyle recommendations to stop the progression of these two problems?

31-year-old woman7 years ago
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6 hours

31-year-old woman · 7 years ago
Everything is said in the question! :P
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 7 years ago
The blue veins that stand out seem to be varicose veins. Obviously, since I am not able to visualize the problem and am only going by your description, I am going with the most likely hypothesis. Varicose veins are small veins along the legs that form grooves or spider webs. Varicose veins form when veins on the surface of the skin dilate (expand) due to poor circulation. Certain factors contribute to this poor circulation, including excess weight, immobility, lack of exercise and heat. What we call "cellulite" is the accumulation of fat
Thus, the number one treatment and prevention for cellulite and varicose veins is physical activity. It helps strengthen the leg muscles that allow the normal return of blood. Also, being active helps avoid the excess fat that causes cellulite. Therefore, you must move and avoid sitting or standing still for too long. If you are thinking of working out, I recommend that you do so under supervision to ensure that you get the right exercises. Raising your legs when you are sitting or sleeping helps blood circulation and prevents varicose veins. It is also recommended to avoid tight clothing on the thighs, which can worsen the appearance of the veins. Otherwise, eating (fat) and smoking are lifestyle habits that have an impact on your 2 problems.
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 7 years ago
There are no medications that can help treat these problems. The medications available will only help to reduce the pain in the legs, if present. Weight loss products will have little impact. Compression stockings can help prevent the appearance of varicose veins as sold in pharmacies. You can consult a pharmacist who, depending on your size, will be able to recommend them. Alternatively, some aesthetic doctors can also inject a product to reduce their appearance or make varicose veins disappear, especially if they are new. You should contact an aesthetic clinic for more information.
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · 7 years ago
I hope this answers your questions. I look forward to hearing from you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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