My mother had a gastroscopy on March 4. Since then she has a cold and does not eat anymore. She coughs a lot but no fever. What should I do?

54-year-old woman4 years ago
She is 83 years old and feels very weak. What can she do to regain her strength?
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9 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
It is certain that by hardly feeding, she has become weak. Therefore, she would need to quickly resume feeding, whether by using Boost™ or Ensure™, and then resume normal feeding. She should be told that after a gastroscopy, the first few bites are the worst. After that, the stomach gets used to the food again and the pain decreases, which brings back the appetite.
If she's not better in 3 days, I would recommend seeing a doctor so that he or she can check her out.
Happy evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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