Are my medications contraindicated for pregnancy?

28-year-old woman2 years ago
I take medication for my thyroid gland and anti-depressants for anxiety.
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3 hours

Olivier Beausoleil · 2 years ago
Hello Mathilde,
To answer your question I would need some additional information.
Could you tell me which antidepressant we are talking about and what trimester of pregnancy you are in?
28-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Citalopram and I am not pregnant yet, I am trying
Olivier Beausoleil · 2 years ago
Hello Mathilde,
To begin with, Synthroid is not contraindicated during pregnancy. However, it is possible that your dose needs to be adjusted (it is usually necessary to increase Synthroid doses by 30 to 50% during a pregnancy).
For antidepressants, the answer is far from black and white. Citalopram is among the most studied antidepressants and data suggest that it does not increase the risk of malformation in the baby. However, other risks cannot be excluded.
there are also risks to not treating depression or anxiety during pregnancy. For example, untreated anxiety could expose the fetus to cortisol in the placenta and be harmful to its health.
In short, I invite you to contact me at the pharmacy (450-654-9808) if you would like to discuss this further and determine, in collaboration with your doctor, the best alternative for you.
I look forward to hearing from you!

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