I took my medication before going to bed but it seems to be stuck in my esophagus causing a sharp burn. How do I get relief?

37-year-old woman4 years ago
The medications I took were the birth control pill and Zoloft.
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7 minutes

David Tan · 4 years ago
Good evening,
Although rare, Zoloft can sometimes be associated with heartburn. However, this may be a one-time occurrence... To relieve the burning sensation, I suggest you use an antacid, such as TUMS, ROLAIDS, GAVISCON or any other similar product; these usually contain calcium (for the tablets) or aluminum+magnesium (for the liquids), which are bases that neutralize the stomach acid. Their action is relatively fast and short, and they can relieve you for the night. You can also use ZANTAC or PEPCID; these also work on stomach acid, although they last a little longer (about 12 hours).
If you think your medication is stuck in your esophagus, the best way to unblock it is to drink lots of water; it should pass eventually.
I hope this helps... if there is anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me again and I will be happy to help you.
David Tan, pharmacist
37-year-old woman · 4 years ago
I have already taken 4 tablets of Tums 500. Would it be possible to take more?
David Tan · 4 years ago
You can take up to 6 tablets of 500mg at a time... after which, you have to wait about 30 minutes max. for the medication to go to your stomach and take effect. Otherwise, you can supplement with Zantac or Pepcid if you want to add a 2nd product to help you.
37-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Perfect! Thank you very much
David Tan · 4 years ago
You're welcome :)

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