Could the stomach aches be related to the medication taken from Friday to Monday and the onset of pain on Tuesday?

34-year-old woman2 years ago
Stomach ache as a 4 year old, my daughter had an asthma attack last week and the pediatrician gave her Ventolin 100mcg/dose 2 inhalations 3x/day and cortisone tablet (Dexamethasone 2MG) 2.5 tablets 1x/day 3 days in addition to continuing her flovent 125 mcg 2 inhalations 2x/day for 1 month. I was wondering if her tummy aches for the past 3 days could be the cause, as she is eating well, going to the bathroom (first day of tummy aches 2x in diarrhea and now normal). I started Biogaia probiotics yesterday to see if it was not a little flora imbalance because of the strong medication she had.
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39 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Dexamethasone can cause tummy aches, but considering the short treatment, the tummy aches should go away quickly. I am reassured that you report a good general condition, that she is eating well and going to the bathroom.
For now, just monitor the situation. I will remain available if you have any further questions
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist
34-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Thank you very much for your quick feedback. I will monitor its condition and progress over the next few days.
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
With pleasure, do not hesitate if there is anything.

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