I have pain in my vagina, in my vulva, I have a burning sensation in these places. It is worse when I urinate. I feel some itching. What should I do?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
I woke up yesterday morning with this, following no activity whatsoever.
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a day

25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Also, the pain is very much felt when I sit down, or when I walk (the rubbing of my underwear hurts like hell)
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Have you had any sexual intercourse(s) recently?
Is there any discharge in the vagina?
Is there any redness?
Is there any particular smell?
Do you always have an urge to urinate that is present?
It is important to use a mild, fragrance-free soap (Dove unscented, for example) for this part of the body and not to wash the inside of the vagina. Be sure to wear underwear that is not too tight, otherwise it could make your symptoms worse.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Julien Verreault-Berthelot, pharmacy student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
-yes I had sex recently, which was about 36 hours before the symptoms appeared.
-yes there is discharge, I have discharge naturally, but this one is really intense and a little more yellowish than usual. There is a little smell, but nothing too disturbing.
-I don't always have to urinate.
only I have noticed an extremely red area (with blood) in my labia minora I think, so when I urinate it hurts a lot. I am unable to urinate without shedding tears....
thank you for your advice
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Thank you for this information!
With all of this in mind, I would recommend that you go see the doctor in the next few days, since this could be a sexually transmitted infection. To avoid complications, an antibiotic may be necessary.
I hope I was able to help you.
Julien Verreault-Berthelot, pharmacy student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Yes, I have made an appointment tomorrow at an emergency clinic
thank you so much for your help and advice
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Excellent! It feels great :)

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