I have had a headache for 3-4 days, trouble sleeping and palpitations, I do not have a fever.

20-year-old woman3 years ago
I had the same symptoms last year except that I had night sweats.
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a day

Isabelle Robert · 3 years ago
What about your headache, is it always present or does it increase in intensity depending on a time of the day . Where is it located in the front of the head, in the neck ....? What are the symptoms, is it always present, does it stab
Is your vision affected?
Do you have nausea?
And are the palpitations always present?
About how many episodes per day?
Are they mostly present in the daytime or evening?
Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Coffee? Energy drinks? Other illicit substances?
How long have you had trouble sleeping? How many hours of sleep do you get approximately? Do you have trouble falling asleep?
Do you currently suffer from anxiety?
During the similar episode last year, had you seen a doctor.
I know this is a lot of questions to answer but it's to help me better understand your symptoms.
Thank you!
20-year-old woman · 3 years ago
my headache is located on the side of my head on the left side
I have palpitations all day sometimes they are not as bad during the day
I consume energy drinks but not on a regular basis and it has been almost a month since I've taken any or nothing else
I'm an anxious person in everyday life
yes I had consulted except she hadn't found anything
thanks to you!
Isabelle Robert · 3 years ago
Hello ,
Palpitations can be triggered by stress and anxiety. However, if it persists, a medical evaluation is required to rule out any cardiac cause or even anemia. Often, headaches that persist for several days are called tension headaches. They can be caused by stress, prolonged bending of the head and lack of sleep, among other things. It is obvious that you should make an appointment with your doctor for a global evaluation of your condition if your symptoms persist. However, it is important to keep a diary of your symptoms. That is to say, note the frequency and intensity or any relevant remarks concerning your symptoms in order to better guide your doctor in his diagnosis during your appointment. In the meantime, I suggest that you take medication for headaches: Tylenol or Advil for insomnia you can always try melatonin which is a natural product that is effective in helping you sleep but a meeting with your doctor is necessary for your health.
Thank you and have a good evening,
If I can answer any more of your questions, please do not hesitate.

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