I have had a sore throat for a few days now and with the shortage, I can't find the licensed benylin syrup. What can help me to heal?

26-year-old womana year ago
Cough syrup for breastfeeding. Baby is two weeks old. Nothing helps my cough. (hot water, lozenges, etc.) I want to treat it quickly and avoid making baby sick.
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a day

Millie Yee · a year ago
Good morning, Madam,
Cough syrups do not cure coughs. They are used to alleviate the symptoms, but the effectiveness of these syrups is limited. If it is an infection, you need an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor to get better. However, most people can usually heal without the need for antibiotics within 1 to 2 weeks. Rest and hydration are key to help recovery.
To limit transmission, you can implement these measures:
  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Coughing into the crook of your elbow
  • Disinfect any objects or surfaces touched
  • Limit contact with your baby
Here are some non-pharmacological measures to improve symptoms:
  • Saline solution for irrigation and cleaning the nose at least twice a day (helps limit secretions in the throat and for nasal secretions)
  • Tylenol for pain, fever and headache
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Add honey to soothe the throat
  • Gargle with water and salt (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of water) for sore throat
Hopefully this answers your question,
Millie Yee, pharmacy student
Under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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