I have a sore throat when I swallow my saliva.

27-year-old woman4 years ago
i have had a sore throat since february, which comes and goes, it doesn't get worse and doesn't last long. but since saturday, i have a sore throat like a muscle. it hurts when i swallow my saliva or yawn. on saturday, i had a strong pandan for several hours. I also have seasonal allergies. Should I worry about covid?
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36 minutes

Genevieve Duperron · 4 years ago
I find that since February it's really long.... Have you consulted at any time? One thing for sure, with the present intensity of the pain I would reconsult. There could be a bacteria currently. In the past, some pharmacies would validate if strep was present or not, but currently these activities are no longer done and the duration of the symptoms really guide us to the doctor for further investigation...
27-year-old woman · 4 years ago
so I don't have to worry about covid?
Genevieve Duperron · 4 years ago
It's never out of the question, the only way to know is to take the test, but it's not the first thing that seems likely to me
27-year-old woman · 4 years ago
perfect key:)

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