I have pain in my mouth. There are lesions I think, white, near my gums. It looked like dots, but they have grown. What should I do?

27-year-old woman4 years ago
And have duped. I don't know what to do. I don't know what it is. It hurts, it heats up a lot and I don't want to eat anymore because it hurts so much.
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9 hours

Van Nguyen · 4 years ago
Since the spots have grown and are preventing you from eating, I strongly advise you to go see a doctor or a dentist so that you can be evaluated.
It could be mouth ulcers (you could be prescribed a numbing liquid such as Tantum or a cortisone ointment such as Oracort), but it could be thrush (a fungus in the mouth) which requires a prescription anti-fungal
There are also other conditions that only a doctor or dentist can differentiate, so as long as it's progressing and preventing you from eating, it's a red flag for referral.
In the meantime, drink plenty of water to keep you well hydrated and watch out for hard/crunchy foods and irritating foods, especially spicy and alcoholic ones.
Don't hesitate if you have any other questions,
Thank you and have a nice day,

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