Is cat urine on the mattress toxic? Thank you for your help!

24-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello! My cat urinated on my mattress. We cleaned it to the best of our knowledge with a rag, water and fabric cleaner. However, we forgot to put the bicarbonate of soda in it.... Of course we have a mattress cover and a fitted sheet, but is cat urine toxic for my health when I sleep on this mattress?
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4 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Although it has a strong odor, the urine of a healthy cat does not normally contain bacteria (unlike stool).
Cat feces can cause problems mainly in pregnant women or immunosuppressed patients.
If you have already disinfected, baking soda helps to absorb excess moisture and neutralize odors.
In the absence of stool, I don't think there is a health risk for you.
Have a nice day!

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