Prescription of Diamox for the acute pain of the mounts. There are different opinions concerning the use of this medication, some take it as a preventive measure, others as an emergency measure. Why is it necessary?

43-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello, I read an article in the newspaper about your service and I am trying it out. :-) I am going to Ecuador in January for a period of 15 days. I have a prescription for diamox for acute mountain sickness. I have already been there and I know how my body reacts in high mountains. There are different opinions about taking this medication, some take it as a preventive measure, others as an emergency measure. Why do you take it?
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18 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
Very good question!
To determine whether to prescribe prevention of acute mountain sickness or just a prescription to keep on hand in case of symptoms, we'll look at 3 things:
  1. Does the patient prefer to receive prevention (some people are really keen on it)?
  2. Will the patient land at more than 2400 meters, or will he/she surrender more quickly than recommended?
  3. Has the patient ever suffered from acute illness?
If any of these conditions are encountered, we usually lean more toward prevention.
Good day and safe travels!
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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