The.vilazodone is a good antidepressant I saw that it does not cause erectile dysfunction is this true

44 -year-old man2 years ago
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13 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 2 years ago
Vilazodone is among the antidepressants that cause the least amount of sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction. So if you are worried about this side effect, it is a good choice for you. It is also known to work faster on depressive symptoms, which can also cause sexual problems.
With antidepressants, several side effects can occur in the first few days of treatment and then dissipate. Therefore, they are temporary. There are headaches, nausea and diarrhea, among others, for vilazodone.
If a side effect ever persists over time and bothers you, know that there are several other molecules available. Your pharmacist and doctor can help you find the one that's best for you. 😊
I hope this answers your question, please feel free if I can be of any further help!
Véronique Leclerc, pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist)

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