I have a really weak stomach, but it is painful since I took the medication. What can I do?

22-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I started taking the antidepressant Apo-Sertraline 25mg 5 days ago to treat my anxiety. Since yesterday, I have a stomach ache after taking it, even if I take the medication with dinner (recommended by my doctor).
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14 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Ms
Considering that you are taking a new medication, the best person to help you is your pharmacist. I urge you to discuss this problem with him/her, which will allow him/her to :
  • Check for other possible causes
  • Re-validate the treatment with you
  • Suggest one or more solutions according to your symptoms, history and preferences
  • Ensure a close follow-up with you.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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