I am hesitating between a kyleena, mirena or jaydess IUD. I am nulliparous and do not plan to get pregnant in 5 years. How do I choose?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
I am wondering about weight gain with a hormonal IUD. I have had a copper IUD in the past but dysmenorrhea ++. Thank you for your help!
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19 hours

Justin Beauregard · 3 years ago
First, it should be noted that the Jaydess is discontinued by the manufacturer
Mirena and Kyleena are very similar. They are both 99% effective for 5 years and are based on levonorgestrel (progesterone). Their cost is similar.
Among the differences, the Kyleena is slightly smaller than the Mirena. Therefore, the installation of the IUD may be slightly better tolerated.
In relation to weight gain, since these two IUDs are based on the same hormone, there should not be a significant difference. Hormonal IUDs have been associated with weight gain via water retention. However, a 5-year randomized trial of nearly 3,000 patients showed no significant difference in weight gain between the Mirena and the copper IUD. This confirms that hormonal IUDs are among the hormonal contraceptive methods that cause the least weight gain.
Finally, the choice of a contraceptive method should also be made following a discussion with your doctor.

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