I am a 20 year old female with type 1 diabetes, but in good general health. Am I at greater risk of complications from COVID-19?

24-year-old woman4 years ago
-Type 1 diabetes for 13 years. Diabetes well controlled on insulin pump. -Hypothyroidism
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16 hours

Véronique Magnan · 4 years ago
Yes, you could possibly be at greater risk than someone your age who does not have a health problem. However, if you are young and your diabetes is well controlled in general, these are already less risky factors. We learn more every day but there is still a lot we don't know about Covid. Social distancing and strict hygiene rules are required for all, diabetics or not
Véronique Magnan · 4 years ago
Yes, you could possibly be at greater risk than someone your age who does not have a health problem. However, if you are young and your diabetes is well controlled in general, these are already less risky factors. We learn more every day but there is still a lot we don't know about Covid. Social distancing and strict hygiene rules are required for all, diabetics or not

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