Should I be concerned if I have a little tenderness at the cartilage at the top of Adam's pump?

36 -year-old man7 years ago
I recently injured my eye and had to keep my head down due to photosensitivity. I also take antibiotics in the form of an ointment to apply to my eye every three hours.
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2 days

36 -year-old man · 7 years ago
The tenderness comes from a lump that appears to be part of the cartilage
Marie-Michèle Ghazal · 7 years ago
Marie-Michèle Ghazal · 7 years ago
It may indeed be that the tenderness is due to the fact that you have been holding a bent-over head position for an extended period of time, which may have irritated your neck area. If this is the case, I would not be concerned. However, as a pharmacist, it is impossible for me to make a diagnosis, and obviously, if the pain persists or increases in the next few days, I suggest that you go see a doctor to make sure that there is nothing to worry about. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
Marie-Michèle Ghazal · 7 years ago
Marie-Michèle Ghazal · 7 years ago
Marie-Michèle Ghazal, pharmacist
36 -year-old man · 7 years ago
Thank you very much for your answer, good evening

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