Do I wait another 2 days before consulting? Do I give her Tylenol/Advil or let her system try to fight it?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, My 10 month old baby is starting to cough and have a runny nose in addition to the beginning of conjunctivitis. He didn't have a fever yesterday, but today he started to have one (~38.8 rectal).
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6 hours

Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
Good evening,
we treat the child's discomfort rather than the number on the thermometer. Fever is a natural defense of the body. Here is a useful link:
For the runny nose and resulting cough perhaps, do you do the saline cleanse?
32-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you for the answer, but you didn't answer my first question. Do you think I should wait another 2 days before consulting his doctor?
for the nasal hygiene, yes I do it several times a day
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
Of the symptoms listed above, there is not one that is worrisome when combined with fever. In the link provided on fever, there is a series of symptoms according to age that should prompt consultation, such as vomiting, dehydration, being amorphous, breathing difficulties. Here it is again:

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