I would like to know if in the future I will not be late or if I will have the same menstrual cycle despite the change? my dates will change?

28-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, I have been taking the contraceptive pill Alysena for a few years now. I am about to skip the last white part for the first time and start a new pack starting with the pink ones.
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20 minutes

Vincent Ouellet · 3 years ago
Hello, since the doses of hormones in Alysena are very low, there is a possibility that you will still have your period, but it will be less abundant and shorter. It is also possible that you will not have a period, especially if you skip the white tablets for several months in a row.
Your cycle should remain regular in all cases. Whether you have a period or not does not affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive.
I hope that's clearer now!

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