I have been taking a yeast infection treatment and I have pain during sex?

20-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, in December I had a supposed vaginitis, I took canestan for 3 days and nothing worked (it was burning inside my vagina and around my vulva). I called a pharmacist and he told me to take a pill that would fix it. I no longer have pain around my vulva but I do have pain that I never had when I have sex with my partner (always the same one and my first). I had another vaginitis and I took the pill again but the pain when I have sex is still there and I don't know if it's normal? I would like to know if this is normal and also what I should do?
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18 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, I'm sorry to read about your troubles!
Unfortunately, the situation you describe requires the attention of a physician. In fact, only doctors can provide a diagnosis and I think we need a clear diagnosis before we try any other treatment option. Otherwise, we risk causing negative effects without the benefits of treatment, as well as delaying the management of your current situation. The fact that you have tried several over-the-counter treatments without success, and that the situation has been present for several months now, are the main reasons why I recommend a visit to a physician.
I am sorry I cannot help you at this time, it is simply that the situation described is beyond what can be addressed on this platform
Have a nice day,
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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