I would like to know if we stop taking antidepressants because we feel better, do we lose the weight we have gained or is it already too late?

32-year-old woman5 years ago
Citalopram 10 mg x 2 years I used to take cymbalta 30 mg x 3 years In fact since I have been taking citalopram I have gained 40lbs (but I know it's not just the drug child but the lifestyle too!) but I would like to know if I stop if it will be easier to lose my weight? Thanks
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15 hours

Wissam El-Chayeb · 5 years ago
indeed, stopping Citalopram will facilitate weight loss.
indeed, Citalopram can cause weight gain and this effect will be more easily reversed if it is stopped.
on the other hand, it is necessary to make changes in lifestyle and stopping it alone will not be enough
32-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Thanks :)

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