Could apple cider vinegar tablets help me regulate my uric acid in my blood following a gout attack?

36 -year-old man6 years ago
I had an attack of taste a few months ago. My doctor treated the problem with Colchicine. The attack is gone but some sensitivity remains. I was told this week that apple cider vinegar tablets could help me regulate the uric acid in my blood. Is this true? Thank you for your help!
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13 hours

36 -year-old man · 6 years ago
I am 30 years old, no past health problems. I do not take any other medication. I do not eat red meat and very rarely drink alcohol. However, my father suffered from taste about 20 years ago
Maryam Alrifaee · 6 years ago
Hello. Unfortunately, apple cider vinegar tablets have not been shown to be effective in regulating uric acid levels in the blood. The dietary measures that you are already taking (avoiding red meat and limiting alcohol consumption) are very good for preventing gout attacks. It is also recommended to avoid seafood (shrimp and scallops) and certain fish (mackerel and sardines). Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly can also reduce the risk of gout attacks

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