I am 46 years old and I have been taking Coumadin for 16 years. For this reason, I cannot take oral contraceptives. Is there a product that I can take to prevent my period from starting at a specific time (e.g. while traveling)? Thank you

52-year-old woman6 years ago
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2 hours

52-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Maryam Alrifaee · 6 years ago
Hello, the only products that allow you to control the timing of your period are contraceptives and, to a lesser extent, the hormonal IUD (such as the Jaydess or Mirena). Unfortunately, since you can't take birth control, the only option left is the hormonal IUD. The hormonal IUD is a more complex option. It must be inserted by a doctor and you can keep it in place for 3 to 5 years. Some women may experience a decrease in menstruation or no menstruation at all. This effect may take a few months to appear and does not occur in all patients. Unfortunately, I don't have a quick answer for your journey. If you are interested in the hormonal IUD, I suggest you talk to your doctor to make sure it is a good option for you

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