We will be going to Mexico in an all-inclusive package with a 4-month-old baby. For him as well as for us, are some vaccines necessary?

40-year-old woman5 years ago
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18 hours

David Tan · 5 years ago
For Mexico, the hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) is strongly suggested. This vaccine must be received at least 1 month before departure, as you need 2 doses at 1 month intervals before your trip for the protection to be effective. A 3rd dose will then be recommended 6 months later, but it serves to extend your protection for 20 years and can therefore be given after your trip.
The hepatitis B vaccine is not absolutely mandatory, but it can be combined with the hepatitis A vaccine, and the price difference between the hepatitis A vaccine and the combined vaccine (Twinrix) is not very significant, so the double protection is worth it.
Finally, you may also want to consider the tourista vaccine, Dukoral. It is a vaccine that is taken by mouth and must be taken at least 2 weeks before your trip, i.e. 2 doses at 1 week intervals.
Malaria is also present in Mexico, so it would be appropriate to obtain a preventive medication such as Malarone which is taken at a rate of 1 tablet per day, 1-2 days before your trip until 7 days after your return
Vaccines can be obtained from a travel health clinic or from some pharmacies that have a specialized nurse (including mine). As for the malaria medication, it can be prescribed by a pharmacist.
Finally, your 4 month old baby will not need any vaccines. Except for those given according to the Quebec vaccination schedule (pneumococcus and rotavirus), most vaccines are only indicated after the age of 6 months. In addition, if your baby is breastfed, he or she receives antibodies from the mother through breastfeeding, so he or she is naturally protected.
When is your trip to Mexico scheduled?
I hope this answers your questions. If you have any other questions, please contact me again and I will be happy to answer them. If you need vaccines and malaria medication and it suits you to be in the South Shore of Montreal, my pharmacy has a nurse specialized in travel health who is available at all times to prescribe you the vaccines and medication required for your trip. I leave my contact information below.
David Tan, pharmacist
5045 Cousineau Blvd. Cousineau, Saint-Hubert QC
Tel. 450-656-3337

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