Are there any interactions between my medications and training supplements?

33-year-old woman7 years ago
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3 days

33-year-old woman · 7 years ago
My prescribed medications are as follows: Vyvanse 20 mg (for narcolepsy) and Abilify 2 mg in the morning, Cipralex 20 mg(for depressive disorder) HS and Restoril 15 mg HS PRN. Can I take a pre-workout supplement that contains: Beta Alanine (Carnosyn) and Quercetin
Marie-France Nicole · 7 years ago
Hello! The problem with this type of supplements is that they are not well regulated. As a result, we don't know exactly what they are made of and especially their side effects and interactions with other medications. In this context, I cannot advise you to take these supplements.

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