I recently gave birth and for the past 2 days I have been having abdominal pain again?

34-year-old woman3 years ago
I gave birth by caesarean section last Nov 22. The recovery is going well except that for the last 2 days I have started to have more intense pain in my abdomen. I have no temperature, my scar has no discharge and I have not had any vaginal bleeding for about 1 week. I have an appointment with my gynecologist on January 10, 2022. Should I be worried, should I go to the emergency room and what should I take to relieve the pain?
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21 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 3 years ago
Hello ma'am, thank you for your question!
For now, just monitor the situation. You can take the acetaminophen and/or other painkillers that have been prescribed for you
If the pain doesn't seem to be going away, you will need to see a doctor for a thorough evaluation of your condition as a precaution.
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist

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