I have frequent vaginal infections, what can I do?

26-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I have repeated vaginal infections (3 times in 3 months). I don't know what to do anymore. I did an external treatment + 3 internal pills. It came back after 2 days. Today I took an oral pill. Should I continue the cream even if I have already done 7 days of external cream? Do I take internal pills again even if I took an oral pill? I made an appointment with my doctor but my appointment is in 2 months.
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17 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, sorry to read about your troubles!
I understand that you have taken the fluconazole tablet lately?
You can use the topical treatment (the cream) for 7 days. However, it is not necessary. Usually though, after 2 treatments if the symptoms return it is advisable to see a doctor, as the problem may not be fungal in origin or may require another kind of treatment.
Do the episodes occur after a particular event, such as taking a medication, having sex, using a particular product?
If the latter treatment proves ineffective, I strongly suggest that you do not wait for your appointment in 2 months and try to see a doctor sooner, in order to benefit from a thorough evaluation of your condition and, if necessary, not to delay the right treatment.
I hope this has been helpful to you and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
26-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Often if I bathe and stay in my wet clothes it comes right back. I'm a little discouraged. Now that I've taken the oral tablet, how long do I wait? 3 days and if not I consult?
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Yes, we should have an idea of the effectiveness after a few days.
You should try not to wear wet clothes, especially for a long period of time, and try to wear cotton underwear that allows you to breathe better, and clothes that are not tight (like leggings for example).

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