Do I have any contraindications for sports, hot baths etc.? ...

38-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I have just been diagnosed with a ptv following an immobilization on a cast. Xarelto for 3 weeks twice a day.
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3 hours

Louiza Lounas · a year ago
Hello !
To my knowledge, there are no contraindications as such when you have a deep vein thrombosis or when you are taking Xarelto. You can take hot baths and do your sports activities without any problem
The risk with DVT is that a clot can break loose and travel to a lung, causing a pulmonary embolism. So watch for signs associated with pulmonary embolism (difficulty breathing, chest pain and palpitations) and go to the emergency room if this happens.
The main risk with Xarelto is the risk of bleeding. So watch for signs of possible bleeding, and go to the emergency room if it occurs:
  • Bleeding from the nose or gums that lasts more than a few hours or is heavy.
  • Red blood in the stool, black stool, bloody or brownish vomit (looks like coffee beans).
  • Sudden headaches, paralysis, blurred vision or inability to speak
I mention this as a precautionary measure only! Given your age, if you have no other health problems, you should have little risk.
I hope I have answered your question,
Louiza Lounas,
Pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).

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